Likert Scale Template

A Likert scale is often used in questionnaire-based research. The scaling method helps respondents help you with honest and accurate answers.

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Likert Scale Template

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Use our Likert scale template to create a unique, interactive survey, customizable to match the needs of your business. Make complex opinions easy to understand through proven Likert scale questions and answers. And improve the quality of your research data.

What Is The Likert Scale?

The Likert scale is a closed-ended question that aims to determine to what degree the respondent agrees/disagrees with a statement or how strongly they feel about it. Since it uses a scale instead of a binary yes/no answer, the Likert scale can measure a wider range of opinions.

The answer scales usually include 5-7 points, ranging from one extreme to the other, with a neutral opinion in the middle. For example 1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly agree. This will allow you to measure the feedback more accurately and better understand how to improve your product or services.

When Should One Use a Likert Scale?

A Likert scale can be used in virtually any survey. However, they best suit in-depth research on a single topic, as it will give you more details and a clearer picture of your respondents’ opinions. These surveys can include but aren’t limited to product feedback surveys, event feedback surveys, in-office surveys, etc.

In short, anytime you need more than a simple yes or no, go with Likert scale questions.

Tips for Creating a Likert Scale

Creating a Likert Scale may sound simpler than it actually is, as there are several things to keep in mind in order to avoid biased (or even random) answers. When making surveys, Likert Scales included, you should always try to make them interesting, clear, and easy to complete. Below are several tips to consider when designing your scale and questions.

Ask Specific Questions

Just like all survey questions, your Likert survey questions need to be as accurate as possible in order to avoid misinterpretation that can affect the value of your results. Don’t leave your respondents guessing exactly what you meant with a question – make it as specific as possible. This will result in far more valuable responses and a more effective survey.

Decide Between Bipolar & Unipolar Scales

The difference between the bipolar and unipolar scales is in the range of the answers they offer. A bipolar scale has two extremes on each end of the scale with an undecided option in the middle. On the other hand, a unipolar scale ranges from a negative statement to a very positive one (for example 1. Not satisfied, 2. Somewhat satisfied, 3. Satisfied, 4. Very satisfied).

Which one you will choose depends on the type of your survey, however, unipolar scales are somewhat easier to understand and tend to give more consistent results.

Opt for Questions Over Statements

When creating your Likert survey consider opting for questions instead of statements whenever possible. The reason behind this is that people have a subconscious tendency to agree with statements and this phenomenon could affect the veracity of the answers and feedback you obtain through the survey.

Make the Scale Clear

You want your respondents to understand the differences between the answers on the scale, so make sure to use words that will make this easy for them. If the scale seems to be ambiguous, explain the meanings of different answers in the introduction or try rephrasing and making them as specific as possible.

satisfaction scale

Opinion Stage Likert Scale

Create a beautifully designed Likert scale quickly and easily using our interactive, easy-to-use customizable template.

High Response Rates

The response rates your survey gets plays an important part in its success. Nobody likes boring questionnaires and failing to provide your respondents with an entertaining experience usually leads to many of them dropping out halfway. Our interactive Likert scale templates are both engaging and visually attractive, ensuring high response and completion rates.

Mobile Device Optimized

You want to be able to reach your respondents regardless of the device they are using, and considering that mobile devices, such as smartphones, are a part of day-to-day life, it’s only natural to have your survey optimized for them. Our templates are cross-platform compatible, providing a smooth experience on all devices.

Custom Template

Customize the Likert survey template to meet all your needs and inspire your respondents to provide you with the information you need.


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