Logo Test Template

Collect feedback from your audience to help you with designing your logo.

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We're working on a new logo for our company and we'd love to get your take on it.

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Your logo is an easily identifiable visual element that represents your brand. Selecting a logo is not a decision you should take lightly. This logo test template can help you gauge which logo design will get positive responses from your target audience, and represent your brand accurately. Our customizable survey templates are designed to help you focus on the metrics that matter to you with minimum effort.

The Importance of a Logo Test

Your logo differentiates you from other brands, but it’s not just about being different. Your logo also needs to be appealing, versatile, recognizable, and relevant. Performing a logo test is a data-driven way to learn if your logo works, how people react to it, and what you should change or improve.

Two Types of Logo Tests

You can use two methods to test your logo – the monadic test and the sequential monadic test. The monadic test shows participants one logo only or an isolated section of it. It lets you collect in-depth information without having the element of comparison influence participants’ responses.

The sequential monadic logo test shows several logos or asks participants to focus on multiple aspects of a single logo in succession. You’ll probably use this type of test if you are trying to decide between a few designs or fine-tuning your logo.

measuring a sandwich

Which Metrics to Measure

The metrics that are usually tested in logo tests are how identifiable the logo is, its appeal, versatility, and uniqueness. Nonetheless, the questions you include in your logo test should depend on the metrics you want to measure. Make them as general or specific as you want, and ask about the color scheme, the shape or size of the logo elements, the typography, or anything else you are curious about.

But, whatever you choose to ask, don’t ask simple yes or no questions. Instead, use grading scales to help participants to be as accurate as possible in their answers. Give a short description of what each number on the scale represents so that there is no confusion.

For example, if you are using a 1 to 5 scale, 1 could be ‘not at all’ and 5 could be ‘extremely’. The grades in between could be ‘a little’, ‘somewhat’, and ‘very’. In some cases ascribing a definition to the two extreme grades (in this case, 1 and 5) will do.

Who to Test

The aim of this test is to get a lot of feedback, but you also want to make sure you’re getting accurate feedback from the right people. So, don’t test your friends and family members. Your relationship will influence their answers and you won’t get the information you need. Give the test to people who have no connection to you and belong to your target audience to get truthful answers.

Good luck with your logo test! Check out our feedback survey templates for more surveys that can help you collect valuable insights about your company, products, and more.

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