About Us

We are a global remote-first team committed to helping our clients create the most engaging and best-converting quizzes, forms & surveys on the planet.

Media Kit

Trusted by 100,000+ customers across 190 countries

quiz, survey and poll examples

Our Mission

Make it fast & easy to create a top-performing quiz, form or survey.

lead quiz example

How Do We Do It?

We keep you, and your end user in mind every step of the way.

Optimized for you

We start by asking who you are and what your objective is (for example, are you looking to land more leads, boost engagement, gather more and better data?). Then, we give you an optimized creation experience based on your answers.

Quick & easy

With AI and no-code tools, we make it easy and quick to create quizzes, forms and surveys, whether you’re starting from scratch, using a template, or working with our generative AI tools.

Built to get more responses

We apply engagement principles from the publishing world and use AI technologies to maximize response rates and results.

Opinion Stage in Numbers

  • 1M+ Items created
  • 2.5B+ Questions answered
  • 15M+ Leads gathered
  • 40+ Languages

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