How to Create & Share a Reddit Quiz

Follow these four simple steps to create an engaging trivia or personality quiz and share it with your fellow Redditors.

1. Make a Quiz

Create a trivia quiz using this quiz creation form or a personality quiz using this creation form. If you don’t want to start from scratch you can use one of our many quiz templates and change any element in it to suit your needs.

quiz creation form

2. Go to ‘My Items’

After saving your quiz, click on ‘My Items’ to visit your items dashboard, this is where all the online quizzes you create with Opinion Stage will be stored. Now click on the ‘Embed & Share’ button associated with your quiz.

Reddit quiz in 'my items'

4. Add Your Quiz to Reddit

Now all you have left to do is share your quiz on Reddit. Paste the link, choose a Subreddit, post it, and that’s it. You’re done!

Try this personality quiz

Ready to get started?

Create a Reddit Quiz

Make Your Reddit Quiz Shine: Tips & Best Practices

Whether you’re making a personality test or a trivia question quiz follow the three general guidelines below to make it even more engaging.

Set a Clear Objective

There can be many great reasons to run a quiz. For example, you could use it to promote your brand, as many major institutions do, using it to give their audience information about their expertise and services in a memorable interactive manner.

Similarly, you could use a quiz to raise awareness of various issues – a quiz promoting body positivity could potentially drive many shares and have a strong impact.  Or you could use a quiz to drive traffic to your site – imagine a series of questions about people’s culinary preferences that culminate in a link to a tasty recipe based on their preferences, it could be super engaging.

Bottom line: when you’re focused on your objective you can clearly define your target audience and find the right place to share your quiz. As a result, you’ll also know what to ask, which visuals to add, and what tone of voice to use in order to succeed.

Not Too Long, Not Too Short

Our attention span is short, especially in an environment like Reddit where we’re surrounded by colorful content and fascinating distractions. So, if you want people who start your quiz to actually finish it, try to make it no longer than 10 questions. On the other hand, if your goal is to offer a meaningful experience don’t make it too short either – give your audience an opportunity to enjoy the challenge.

Generally speaking, we have found that the sweet spot for social media quizzes is 5-10 questions. Not too long and not too short. But it’s always best to test it and see how it works.  Answer your quiz yourself and imagine how somebody else would experience it. Or better yet, get colleagues or friends and family to try it out and give you feedback before you publish it on Reddit, or anywhere else for that matter.

A Picture Speaks a 1,000 Words

Whether you’re creating serious content like career tests, or entertaining content like a quiz about Game of Thrones, a picture quiz will go a long way in improving engagement. Images draw attention and help clarify your questions.

You can use images or videos to illustrate your quiz questions or your quiz answers. Whichever you choose, just make sure your visuals don’t give away the correct answers too easily.

Don’t forget to add an eye-pleasing cover image in order to catch your audience’s initial attention and encourage them to start the quiz.

You can easily do it yourself, no need for a developer

Create a Reddit Quiz
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