360 Degree Feedback Form Template

Ask employees about their colleagues' performance to improve company efficiency, motivation, and culture.
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360 Degree Feedback Form

Please provide your honest professional feedback about your colleague John Doe. The answers you give are entirely confidential and will be used to help John develop professionally and to improve team performance and cohesion.

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A 360-degree feedback form is one of the best ways to collect constructive feedback from employees, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and help them improve. Use our template to create an interactive digital form with which you can gain insight into your company’s dynamics and boost performance.

What is a 360 Degree Feedback Form?

Simply put, it’s a type of performance review form with one major difference. Instead of having only managers reviewing employee performance, a 360-degree feedback form collects information from all team members. Additionally, it doesn’t focus solely on performance indicators, but also on personal traits and social skills.

360 feedback forms combine multiple sources of feedback with questions that address several aspects of the employee’s skills and personality. As a result, you get a clear picture of their qualities and shortcomings, as well as their role within the team.

What Questions to Include in a 360-Degree Feedback Form?

The quality of the data you receive will depend mostly on the questions you ask. This includes using both open and closed questions in the right balance. Let’s go over their respective advantages and disadvantages to understand their purpose in a 360-degree feedback form.

Closed-Ended Questions

Closed questions have predetermined answers for the respondent to choose from. In 360-degree feedback forms, we usually present them as scales with values from 1 to 5. Their advantage is that they are simple to answer and provide you with quantifiable information that is easy to process. The downside of closed-ended questions and answers is that they are purely numerical and, as such, lack any details.

Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions require the respondent to provide their answer in a few words or a sentence or two. While the ability to analyze and process these answers is limited, they do have the advantage of giving you more detailed information compared to closed-ended questions. We recommend using them to recap or to gather actionable feedback and suggestions from the respondents.

Break Your Form Down into Categories

One of the greatest challenges with a 360-degree feedback form is its length. Unlike other feedback forms, which you can keep short, here you have a lot of grounds to cover. However, you still want to keep your respondents engaged and motivated to answer. The best way to tackle this challenge is with structure and design.

Instead of simply listing all questions one after the other, break them down into categories. Include some closed and open questions in each category. This will help your respondent understand what the questions are about and give the form a clear flow. It will also make it easier for you to organize the data you collect. Use colorful images to support your questions, further clarify them, and increase engagement.

How to Use the Results?

If you combine clear open and closed questions in a logical order, the results you get should be quantitatively and qualitatively sound. Since the 360-degree feedback form is confidential and uses input from multiple team members, you can rest assured that the results will be honest and realistic.

As such, they are a solid basis for considering promotions and managerial roles. They can also help you identify areas with potential for improvement. Additionally, you can use the results to work towards building a strong company culture. This is where the 360-degree feedback survey really shines, as it emphasizes how peers perceive each other from multiple perspectives.

What’s Next?

We hope our feedback form template and tips will help you build an engaging and comprehensive 360 form for your company. One that will generate a lot of great insights you can use to empower your team and help them grow. There are many more types of feedback forms that can help you learn about your company’s; strengths and needs. Check out our form templates to get inspired and make your own using our friendly form maker.

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