Employee Performance Evaluation Template

Evaluate employee performance, communicate goals and track their professional development.

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Employee Performance Evaluation

Evaluate your employees' job performance and communicate clear expectations.
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Employee performance evaluations check how well the employee is meeting expectations. This evaluation can be very useful in rewarding well-performing employees and giving directions to underperformers. 

Due to its effectiveness, it’s best to conduct employee evaluations regularly (once or twice a year) and consistently (using a similar form).

What Is an Employee Evaluation Form?

An employee evaluation form is a tool used to conduct employee performance evaluations. And it is usually distributed in digital form. The form can be designed for self-evaluation, evaluation by the manager, or both. In both cases, its main goal is to identify strengths and weaknesses, but it also has other benefits.

Why Conduct Employee Performance Evaluation

The employee evaluation process will help you communicate goals, set clear expectations, and provide employees with recognition for their job performance. Apart from that, it will also allow for impartial decisions when it comes to promotions and bonuses. 

Further, regular employee performance evaluations will help you set performance standards and keep your staff motivated. Finally, each performance appraisal will give you the opportunity to provide your team members with constructive feedback based on their overall performance.

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Performance Evaluation Form Tips

Effective employee performance evaluation requires both a well-designed evaluation form and an efficient evaluation process in place. Below are some tips to help you put your form to the best use possible.

Stay Impartial During the Evaluation

Always keep the evaluation focused on job performance. While your employees may have different personalities, never bring their character into question. Stay on topic with both your form and the review. 

Giving feedback on how they can improve their productivity and efficiency is always welcome, as is giving credit where credit is due. On the other hand, criticizing them for their personality is unlikely to yield any results at all. 

Compare Against Company Standards, Not Other Employees

You should always compare the performance of each employee to clearly defined standards for their position. Additionally, set realistic goals and expectations for their role and apply them to all staff members with the same job description. 

When reviewing employee performance, make sure you stay objective and never make comparisons between team members. Instead, evaluate them only based on how well they’ve been meeting expectations and achieving goals.

Keep Track of Evaluations Over Time

Keeping a record of performance evaluation results for each employee is a great way to track their progress. Such records will also help you make informed decisions about promotions and layoffs.

What To Include in an Employee Performance Evaluation?

Although the items you want to include in your evaluation form will depend on the industry you’re in, there are several must-have general assessments:

  1. Communication skills

  2. Problem-solving skills

  3. Meeting deadlines and expectations

  4. Attendance and punctuality

  5. Coworker collaboration

  6. Meeting quality requirements

Determine a Grading System

Finally, come up with a system that will allow you to grade and compare the evaluation results. You can express results numerically (1 – 5), alphabetically (A – F), or descriptively. Just make sure you use the same system for all performance evaluations and that the grades are clearly differentiated.

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