Home » Birds » Goose Symbolism

Meaning and Messages

In this case, Goose symbolism is reminding you that we often take on the quests of our peers and family.  Therefore, like the Lynx, it is essential to step back and discern whether or not this is something that you wish to pursue. In other words, Goose meaning is telling you to make sure that the path you are on is your own. Goose symbolism also prompts you to look deeply into your heart to ascertain that the choice is yours. This spirit animal asks you to be sure that it is not what someone else has wished upon you.

Forge ahead with confidence. You are headed in the right direction

Alternatively, similar to the Fly, Goose symbolism is letting you know that the quest you are currently on is about to take an abrupt change of course. However, understand that this is only a temporary thing and that you will soon be back on your chosen path. In other words, Goose meaning is telling you that you will quickly be back on track.

In some cases, Goose meaning can be symbolic of a lack of focus on your goals. Thus you should take some time to evaluate why this is happening. If need be, do some inner work to clear out any fears and self-sabotage that may be present.

Occasionally, to see a pair of geese is a symbol of the imminent arrival of a soul mate. These people can come to you as family, friends, or as a lifelong mate.

Totem, Spirit Animal

People with Goose totem are kind, loyal, and brave. Moreover, family and friends are a high priority for them. They are also a clear communicator and like the Prairie Dog, a compassionate member of the community. Their focus is always on the district and family as a whole unit. Often they will make their decisions (often with self-sacrifice) based on what is best for all.

Folks with this spirit animal have an innate belief that there is just one particular person in the world for each of us and make a devoted and tentative spouse. Goose totem people are also good at setting boundaries and aggressive at keeping them in place. Their greatest desire is to manifest the “good life” for your family and community. They know how to tap into the Universal Mind to find the destiny and directions of individuals. Then Goose totem people relay the stories they need to activate the process of destiny manifestation.

Dream Interpretation

To see a flock of these birds is often a symbol of your powers of intuition and instinct. It can also be an omen of misfortune. However, for the most part, a Goose dream represents domesticity and lifelong companionship. In other words, like the Shepherd, the Goose dream is letting you know that you are you never alone.

In general, when you have a Goose dream, it symbolizes fertility and family devotion. It can also signify the awakening of a new consciousness and spiritual awareness. Alternatively, the vision can also suggest that you may be approaching a problem from the wrong direction. In other words, you have sent yourself off in the wrong direction.

Similar to the Moose’s calf, when you see Geese in flight, it is a precognitive omen or indication that something important is about to happen. Something new is coming in, and you should prepare for it.
