Few Things To Know For Your First Meeting with a Corporate Lawyer

You are looking out for a legal firm in Dubai because you are in a legal problem. You want to fix a meeting with a lawyer to handle your case. Do you have any idea how you can make your first meeting with a corporate lawyer efficient and cost-effective? After all, you are going to pay him/her for the time you’ll spend with them. Corporate Lawyers often charge hourly, even for an initial consultation. It is, therefore, crucial to making your meeting efficient and more fruitful.

Here is what should you do to prepare for that first meeting with your corporate lawyer in Dubai?

Prepare a Factual Outline

To save money, it is good to create a timeline with important dates, figures, documents, and names. A good lawyer is a good listener. He or she takes thorough notes. However, in the first meeting, they don’t know how the pieces fit together. They want to find out:

·         Who is important?

·         How much money is at stake?

·         What documents can help support the case?

You don’t need to write a book, but the outline for basic facts. If the attorney is later reviewing documents and correspondence, the timeline can act like vocabulary for dates, facts, and figures. It will be helpful when legal problems consume many months. A good advocate has lots of work to work. He or she may forget the details of your case. When you prepare a timeline, it will save your money over the life of the file by helping your attorney take a quick look resource for essential details.

Keep Original Documents Ready

Though it’s your first meeting with corporate lawyers in Dubai, keeping all original documents ready is paramount. It is essential to collect all your documents or PFD files for your corporate attorney. Do you have litigation and dispute resolution, merger and acquisitions, etc.? Do you have partnership issue? It’s important to print up the satellite picture of the lot. Get print of all the agreement copies signed between you and your clients. Also, arrange a copy of the complaints and summons or any past correspondence. Moreover, don’t fail to print up emails and put them in a three-ring binder.

Write Your Questions

This is your first meeting with your legal assistant. It is good to ask some questions to ask such as if the lawyer needs any required deposit, has handled cases similar to yours, their experience in this area, appropriate costs, the time the case will take, and about communicating like how the lawyer will communicate - emails or phone calls.

So, these are the things you should keep in mind when meeting your corporate first time.