NGO Challenge - Volkswagen Bucharest HALF MARATHON 2018

Which NGO FUN STATION was the best?
Thank you for running at the Volkswagen Bucharest HALF MARATHON 2018. We invite you to vote for the NGO you consider it supported you the most, no matter the “point” it has been (water point, sponge point or fun station).  // Care crezi ca fost cel mai bun punct de divertisment asigurat de un ONG? Va multumim pentru participarea la Semimaratonul Bucuresti Volkwagen, din 13 mai 2018. Va invitam sa votati ONG-ul care considerati ca a reusit sa va incurajeze cel mai bine, indiferent ca s-a aflat intr-un punct de hidratare, cu bureti sau cu animatie.
447 votes
KM 5.3 (water point) - Fundatia Inocenti
100 votes
KM 7 (relay changing point) - Pachamama - DrumUPcircle
11 votes
KM 7.5 / KM 18.5 (water point) - HOSPICE Casa Sperantei
62 votes
KM 8 (entertainment point) - Organizatia Umanitara Concordia
73 votes
KM 10.4 (water point) - Plantam fapte bune in Romania
14 votes
KM 13.5 (sponge point) - Asociatia Touched Romania
11 votes
KM 14 (relay changing point) - Asociatia Help Autism
521 votes
KM 15 (water point) - ATCA
49 votes
KM 17 (sponge point) - Hope and Homes for Children
7 votes
FINISH (water point) - Little People & United Way