How important is global climate change?

It's all about juggling multiple priorities, isn't it? If you're someone who thinks addressing climate change is of the utmost importance, it doesn't mean you don't care about anything else. It just means you put climate change at the top of your priority list. Or maybe it's fighting for the top spot with other issues. Or maybe you don't think it's an issue at all. Your list is totally different.

We want to know. Tell us where global climate change is on your priority list.
754 votes
Global Climate Change is the most important issue of our time. It trumps all other concerns.
175 votes
The US should be moderate in our reaction. We should have a flexible approach that juggles environmental and economic concerns. We have to think about the future and the present.
51 votes
Climate change efforts shouldn't be more important than keeping jobs in the US. Americans need economic help now.
74 votes
Climate change is a hoax.