Pull Aside, Stay Alive
Do you know what to do if you encounter a dust storm?
Let's start with the basics: Dust storms can happen anytime, but what time of year are you most likely to encounter a dust storm?
The summer monsoon season, with its strong winds and storms, is when you can expect to see the most dust flying across the road.
February to May
June to September
October to January
What is the best way to minimize the risks of a crash during a dust storm??
Being prepared and knowing your safety tips are always good, but avoiding a dust storm is the best way to stay safe! Check the weather and ADOT's social media or az511.gov for the most current information. If a dust storm is occurring near you, please delay travel or find another way to reach your destination.
Be prepared
Review safety tips
Avoid driving into one
If you do encounter a dust storm, what's the first thing you should do?
As with all poor driving conditions, the best action to immediately take is to safely reduce your speed.
Check for vehicles around you and immediately begin slowing down
Immediately get into the right lane
Turn on your headlights
OK, you're in a dust storm. Visibility is quickly dropping. You've slowed down. What's your next move?
Don't wait for visibility to get bad before pulling over! Do so immediately to avoid the potential for crashes.
Continue driving at a safe, reduced speed
Pull over until the storm passes and visibility improves
Carefully follow the tail lights of the vehicles ahead of you
With the dust storm all around you, you decide to stop. How far should you pull over?
Exiting the highway to wait out a dust storm is always best. If that's not possible, pull as far to the right as you can. Definitely do not stop in a travel lane and find a safe place to pull off the pavement entirely.
Set the example for other drivers and stop in the right lane
Pull as far to right as you can, including off the pavement
If possible, find an exit off the highway
Pull off onto the emergency shoulder
Both 2 and 3
Now that you are safely off of the highway, what should you do?
Remain in your vehicle with your seat belt buckled. Because dust storms reduce both visibility and depth perception, turning off your lights, including emergency flashers, reduces the chance of other vehicles thinking you are moving and trying to follow you. That's also why you should set your emergency brake and take your foot off the brake.
Keep your seat belt on
Set your emergency brake
Turn off your vehicle lights
Take your foot off the break
All of the above
You got {number correct}/{number of questions} correct answers
Congratulations! You have safely waited out the dust storm and can get back on your way. Keep these tips in mind for the next time you encounter a dust storm. Remember: Pull Aside, Stay Alive!