FBA Nordic Log Price Outlook - 2018 February

Thank you for participating in FBA 2nd Nordic log price outlook. It will take 3 - 5 minutes to cast your votes.This outlook will run from 16 February to 4 March 2018.

BEFORE YOU START:1. Think carefully about the current market drivers, how these will change and how they will influence the current delivered log prices in Nordic region.
2. Try to base your opinion as much as possible on your own thinking.
3. Try to remain emotionally neutral.
THIS IS CONFIDENTIAL: YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS AND OPINIONS WILL NOT BE SHARED.FBA will collate and summarise the information, remove any names of companies or individuals and will distribute a combined report privately to those who participated. This month we are collaborating with researchers in other regions in the world and we hope to provide you with information from the markets beyond Nordic countries.