Match the YouTube Comment to Bonnaroo Artist

Every day I did a headliner thread recap this year, I shared a YouTube video of a song from a Bonnaroo performance. The performances were not randomly selected, but the years I chose a performance from were selected using a random number generator. I thought the videos might've served as a nice springboard for trips down memory lane, but what turned out to be more popular were the YouTube comments from each video that I'd highlight.

On less popular videos, YouTube comments are often fascinating insights into the human psyche - memorials to those who are long gone visible to strangers who will never meet them, warm recollections of notslagic times gone by, pissed-off arguments about guitar tone, and of course often pure nonsense. A lot of people really liked reading the YouTube comments I higlighted. Because this was so popular, I want to challenge you all. Here's some of the YouTube comments I found. Which artists' videos did I find them on?

Only one request: please use the honor system and don't look back at the thread. It doesn't matter for my end or anything but I think it'd just be more fun that way.