What kind of spy would you be at Avalon Tower?

Important Missive from the Office of Arcane Affairs:

You have been selected as a new recruit to Avalon Tower, an academy for spying on Fey. Our work now is more important than ever, as the Fey have already invaded half of France.

Avalon Tower is highly secretive, competitive, and only the strong will survive. Here, in the ancient and gothic halls, snobbery and brutal competitions are among the oldest traditions.

We need to know that you will make it out alive.With that in mind, we invite you to take our assessment.

The spies at Avalon Tower possess diverse skill sets. Some work undercover; others analyze intelligence. The real question is: where would you fit in?

Demi-fey escape agent, Camelot Analyst, Guardian of the Lake, or Avalon Special Ops?

Take this personality quiz to find out what you would train for in our spy academy.