Public Vote | Let us know which is your favorite finalist design!
Vote for your favorite eco-fashion designer from among the Wear We Are Going contest finalists!
Clicking on your selected design image below will cast your vote. Visit the homepage for additional details about each design.
Voting will be open until 12:00pm EDT on Saturday, October 1st. You may submit one vote each day during this voting period, and votes may be limited by browser or IP address. Entering an email will be required to ensure the integrity of the vote.
The results of the public poll will be considered by our judging panel as one component in determining a contest winner. Poll results will be revealed during our live eco-fashion showcase on October 2nd!
On behalf of contest organizers VenturaVie and Salt Tree Art, thank you for voting! Please return in 24 hours (until 12:00pm EDT on October 1st) to vote again.