Five benefits of LinkedIn advertising

If you still wish to prepare a little celebration for your company and to find the money for an effect similar to Google advertising, maybe it's time to start thinking outside the box. And outside the box, LinkedIn advertising is waiting for you!

When we say internet advertising, most of you think of Facebook or Google ads first. We agree, in the field of digital marketing they stand for content marketing in modern marketing methods. The king of social networks, Facebook, at one time attributed as much as 90% of its profits exclusively to ads, while Google advertising is a gourmet delicacy that you can afford for your hungry company – if you have a good budget for catering of course, because we all know that receptions aren’t cheap if you want to impress everyone present on the internet… err… at the party.

If you still wish to prepare a little celebration for your company and to find the money for an effect similar to Google advertising, and you are selling something very specific which you are not sure that Google searches would easily show, maybe it’s time to start thinking outside the box. And outside the box, LinkedIn advertising is waiting for you!

How can LinkedIn advertising help my business, you ask? Apart from the fact that it’s a network in which two profiles are opened every second, with more than 400 million users to date who are also your audience, we have found five more reasons why it would be useful to continue to read this article.

Everyone is there!

We’ve said it countless times, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat: the whole world is on the internet!This is not to belittle the importance that traditional advertising once had, but let’s solve this duel with the question: Where do you first look up a product or service that interests you? On the internet, or rather on Google or Facebook? Exactly. According to statistics, 70% of internet users do exactly that. Why would your product or service be any different? Don’t let all the effort you’ve put into production and promotion go to waste simply because you are not present! After all, LinkedIn gathers together a serious bunch who know what they want – and there’s 400 million of them – and such contacts always come in handy for your business, right?

If you are a “special snowflake”

Your product or service is something that is very specific and doesn’t sell every day, the price isn’t small and it can’t be found in the nearest supermarket. It’s not easy for you to design a promotion, right? If besides that you are also a B2B company, it adds another weight on the side of the marketing strategy scales which says in big red letters “CHALLENGE”. This is what Reid Hoffman and the rest of the “kingpins” of LinkedIn cleverly solved by offering a great platform on which four of its five members are people who influence business decision-making, and as many as 60% of the profiles on LinkedIn are managers or people in leadership positions. It’s just what B2B companies need! Apart from the target audience, LinkedIn might not bring you as many leads as, for example, a newsletter would, but you ensure that those leads that do come in will be of good quality. Quality catches up with quantity here!

Perfect targeting

Following on from this, the campaigns on this social network will also help you ‘catch’ the right people because they offer very detailed options for targeting your audience. You sell business solutions for software companies and you need the contacts of decision makers such as CTO, CEO and other C’s? No problem, LinkedIn offers targeting by occupation or title, and as we said before, LinkedIn are a serious bunch who care for a community that understands what they are doing and why, and will thus indicate their position within a particular company or organization. Also, just like Facebook ads, this platform is very useful when it comes to targeting by special interests, because this focused way of promoting gives better results. Why? Very simple: it shows ads only to those you pre-suppose are interested in your product or service, based on the information from their profile. So you can exclusively target the people who work in a particular company, have particular skills or work in a particular industry. Clever, isn’t it? Of course there are also the standard specializations of targeting such as age, gender and the like, which help you better specify to whom you will “serve” your campaign.

You get what you pay for

LinkedIn has a minimum daily budget that you have to spend on your ads, but the budget is $ 2, which really isn’t a headache. This applies in particular to short-term campaigns that last for a month or two. Also, any marketer will tell you that $ 2 per day is a very small amount for the redistribution of the entire campaign, especially if your appetite and goals are a little higher. If you don’t have the monthly advertising budget of Donald Trump, it doesn’t mean that you can’t accomplish your goals through strategic budget spending. LinkedIn solved this with their pay-per-click, which means pay per performance. Therefore, only those people who clicked and saw your ad will cost you. But of course, if you only care that people see your ad, there is an option for this as well in the form of payment per impression (seen ad). You can specify your daily budget, and when it runs out, LinkedIn will not touch it until the next day when the cycle continues.

All you can imagine – LinkedIn provides

There are nine different varieties of LinkedIn ads that differ in shape, positioning and purpose. Nine! From classic ads that can appear in the newsfeed to your Facebook profile that serves as an advertisement, “LinkedIn’s got it all!” The options for the positioning, form and content of the ad are very wide, as are the purposes of the ads themselves, which allows you excellent adaptability for what you advertise, especially as far as the content component goes. Let’s say you’re selling something that is not very visually compelling but “rocks” in content. On LinkedIn, you can write a smallish article about it and convince the targeted audience why they should become your customers. The possibilities are so numerous that you can even shape your presentation from Slideshare into a LinkedIn ad, and you can place almost every form of ad on a customized spot within the LinkedIn interface.