Which Is Your Preference?

So, we've been doing weekly installments of Cassie since what... August?  So, it's time to see how you like it.  I figure now is a good time to decide if we want to keep it up this way or not.  

I can make the weekly serial novel a "subgroup" of the newsletter, much like those who sign up to get the blog posts in their email each week.  Would that be preferable? I want to make sure that you guys are getting the most helpful information possible.  I do NOT want to be a weekly thorn in the inbox!

Changing it would mean you'd have to "opt-in" to having the Cassie emails much like the blog post emails work.

So... what do you think?

A YES vote means that it becomes an opt-in only feature.  You have to CHOOSE to get the weekly installments.

A NO vote means that you want everything to stay the same as it is.  They show up and you can just delete to your heart's content. Or read. Cassie would prefer that you read.  :)
77 votes
NO! No opt-in.
61 votes
YES! Please have opt-in.