What Are the Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit Jesus Flowed In? (Answers Below)

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WORD OF WISDOM - A specific, divine impartation of wisdom by the Spirit of God in order to meet a particular problem or need.
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WORD OF KNOWLEDGE - Being made aware of unknown details about past, present, or future situations through Divine inspiration.
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FAITH - The supernatural ability to believe God for the impossible in a situation which is beyond the normal faith potential. It is the impartation of faith to accomplish a specific task, face potentially overwhelming circum-stances, or persevere when facing dangerous situations.
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GIFTS OF HEALING - The God-given ability to minister, at specific times, physical, spiritual or emotional healing to those in need.
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WORKING OF MIRACLES - The manifestation of a supernatural act, which is naturally impossible and defies the physical laws of nature.
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PROPHECY - Speaking under the direct unction of the Holy Spirit the mind and counsel of God. It can include a e quality of foretelling as well, though this predictive element functions more fully in the office of the Prophet.
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DISCERNING OF SPIRITS - The Gift of the Spirit to distinguish the spiritual source of a motive, word, or action, whether it be: Heavenly (from God). Human (from the person's own Spirit). Demonic (involving an evil spirit).