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Would you participate in a distributed sensor array?

We humbly ask for your opinion if you would take part in a distributed sensor array and help science, if you have to buy the needed hardware for it.

For example there is Quake Catcher Network where you can be part by plugging small accelerometers to your PC and help detect nearby earth quake tremors. So in case we would ask you to help in a similar science objectives, what do you do? To give you an idea, watch the linked video! :)



31 votes
yes, if hardware costs less than 10 €
59 votes
yes, if hardware costs less than 20 €
79 votes
yes, if hardware costs less than 50 €
38 votes
yes, if hardware costs less than 100 €
29 votes
yes, if hardware costs more than 100 €
17 votes
no, I would not be part of it!