Test your Think Resilient know-how!
Trivia quiz: select your answer to each question, you'll get a score depending on how many you get right.
Which definition of resilience does Girlguiding use?
Resilience is being able to bounce back from anything.
Resilience is having the skills and resources to deal with challenging situations better than expected.
Resilience is being so confident that challenges don't impact you.
Why is building resilience good for your mental health?
It means that challenging situations won’t cause you mental health problems.
It stops challenging things from affecting you at all.
It can help you cope with challenging things which might otherwise impact your mental health.
Which of these pages is the ‘activity decider tool’?
Which of these are practical ways to help build resilience?
Getting enough sleep.
Eating well.
Getting exercise.
Spending time doing the things we enjoy.
All of the above.
All of these statements about resilience are true, but one of them is not one of the main message of Think Resilient. Select the one which is NOT part of Think Resilient.
Mental health and physical health are linked.
Mental wellbeing is a part of everyone’s health, just like their physical wellbeing.
Resilience is something you can build and needs to be practiced .
Everyone builds their resilience differently, through different techniques.
You can always go to a trusted adult for support.
Which of these are NOT activities we do during the session?
Exploring what emotions look like.
Being agony aunts.
Monitoring out our diet, sleep and exercise to improve our mental wellbeing.
Consider what we can and can’t control.
Considering how well we cope with things.
Mindfulness and meditation.
Mapping out our support networks.
Celebrating things we’re good at.
In Think Resilient, blue text...
Means something is absolutely mandatory.
Shows scripts you can use to help you get the message across.
Means the information is directed at you.
Where do you log your Think Resilient session once it's complete?
On GO.
With your county peer education coordinator.
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You’re ready for your face-to-face training! Go to your Country/Region website to sign up for the next available one.