How Do You Know If Your Roof Is A Candidate For Restoration?
Answer the questions in our quiz to determine if your roof is a likely restoration candidate.
What type of roof system do you have?
Modified BIT
Built-Up Roof
What is your roof’s surface?
Ballasted Stone
BUR Gravel
Not sure
What is the approximate age of your current roof?
0 – 10 years
10 – 14 years
15 – 20 years
20+ years
How many leaks are you currently experiencing?
1 – 3
4 – 5
Are the leaks concentrated in one area or spread across multiple areas?
One area
Spread throughout roof surface
What type of rainfall usually causes your roof to leak?
Any rainfall
Heavy rainfall
Blowing rain
Has your roof been inspected within the past year for wet insulation? If so, was wet insulation present?
No inspection; unsure
Inspected; unsure
Inspected; yes I have wet insulation
Inspected; no I do not have wet insulation
Ding, ding, ding! It looks like your roof is a likely candidate for restoration. Your next step is to schedule a comprehensive and objective SR PreVision analysis to identify the expected remaining useful life and possible restoration solutions.
Feel free to connect with our roofing experts at (888) 353-7178 to learn more about the restoration process or ask any questions.
Feel free to connect with our roofing experts at (888) 353-7178 to learn more about the restoration process or ask any questions.
Hmm, this one requires a little more digging. A comprehensive and objective SR PreVision evaluation should determine not only the remaining useful life of your roof but will also confirm if restoration is possible – and what solution would work best for your needs.
Feel free to connect with our roofing experts at (888) 353-7178 to learn more about the restoration process or ask any questions.
Feel free to connect with our roofing experts at (888) 353-7178 to learn more about the restoration process or ask any questions.
It doesn’t look like your roof is a likely candidate for restoration, but that doesn’t mean a full replacement couldn’t be essential in your immediate future. A comprehensive and objective SR PreVision evaluation can accurately determine the remaining useful life of your roof and outline possible solutions for delaying replacement.
Feel free to connect with our roofing experts at (888) 353-7178 to learn more about the restoration process or ask any questions.
Feel free to connect with our roofing experts at (888) 353-7178 to learn more about the restoration process or ask any questions.