Redistricting Quiz
Can you match the congressional districts to their characteristics, from the shape alone?
Which of these congressional districts was drawn to give racial minorities meaningful representation?
A, H, L
C, E, I
D, G, K
B, F, J
Which of these congressional districts was drawn to deprive racial minority of power?
Which of these congressional districts was drawn by a court?
C, D
B, J
H, L
Which of these congressional districts was drawn by a bipartisan commission?
B, F, K
D, H, J
A, G, I
Which of these congressional districts was drawn by a legislature?
B, D, J
C, D, E, F, H, K, L
All of them.
Which of these congressional districts was drawn by a legislature redistricting twice in a decade?
Which of these congressional districts mostly follows county lines?
C, L
D, E, K, L
C, D, E, F, H, K, L
Which of these congressional districts has unequal population: votes are worth significantly less/more?
A, E
C, K
J, L
Which of these congressional districts shares coastline and shipping corridor?
B, D
B, D, G
One major party did not run a candidate at all in which district?
C, D
C, D, L
C, D, L, H
Which of these congressional districts are among the most competitive in the country?
F, J
E, K
G, I
You got {number correct}/{number of questions} correct answers
Not great. But congressional redistricting in America is an extremely complex affair.
You got {number correct}/{number of questions} correct answers
Not bad at all. You're on track to becoming a congressional mapping whiz!
You got {number correct}/{number of questions} correct answers
Great job! You know your congressional maps.