Can We Guess If You're The Prude or The Pride of Your Crew?
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Thanks to shows like ‘Sex and the City’ we know all too well how our group of friends is split. We have the sexual dynamos and well, the ones who may or may not have sex but definitely do not like to bring it up that often over cocktails, or when they do they turn beet red. That’s because every group has those who are the sexual Pride of the bunch and those who are on the opposite end of the spectrum - the Prudes. Now it’s time to find out which you are!
Thanks to shows like ‘Sex and the City’ we know all too well how our group of friends is split. We have the sexual dynamos and well, the ones who may or may not have sex but definitely do not like to bring it up that often over cocktails, or when they do they turn beet red. That’s because every group has those who are the sexual Pride of the bunch and those who are on the opposite end of the spectrum - the Prudes. Now it’s time to find out which you are!
It’s 7am and you just left a one-night stand’s house. What’s your next move?
Post About it on All Your Socials
Head Home and Get Ready for Work
Bring It Up at a Friend’s in a Week or Two
You’re out with a friend at dinner and you get a notification from someone you slept with last week but have been ghosting. Your friend asks who just texted you. What’s your response?
Speak on it for 5 Minutes and Move On
Say, “Oh, Nobody”
You Take a Sip and Begin an Hour-Long Story
Friends are over at your place for a party and one asks for something. You tell them it’s in a drawer in your room but tell them the wrong one and they find your sex toys. How do you react?
Act Nonchalant
Tell Everyone to Go Home
Have you ever texted a friend a dick pic for questions/comments before sending it to its intended recipient?
Maybe Once or Twice
All The Time
Would you be able to share a room with a friend on a vacation knowing you’d be hooking up the entire time?
Absolutely Not
I’d Ask Them to Hook Up Elsewhere
Friends are one thing, but how open are you about your sex life with your family?
They Don’t Know Everything, but They Aren’t Clueless
They Probably Assume You Don’t Fuck, Ever
They Know if I’m Single or Not
Whenever someone in your group has a question about sex, you’re their very own search engine. You’re not only well...traveled when it comes to the number of partners you’ve had in your bed, but well-informed about just about everything sexual underneath the sun.
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Your friends and loved ones view you as one step above a nun at this point because it’s not like you’re not having sex, it’s just you aren’t forward about it. When the topic of sex comes up over a night out, you clam up and are the one who is quick to change the topic to just about anything else under the sun.
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Thanks for taking our quiz! Get a Free pair of here to find out how:
A Little of This & That
You don’t walk into a room and announce the latest dick you rode, but you also aren’t weird if a friend wants to talk about your latest hookup. You give the deets when you feel the time is appropriate so you’re not really a prude or the pride, just a happy medium.
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Thanks for taking our quiz! Get a Free pair of here to find out how: