Pitching your TV Pilot

The New Mexico Women in Film, New Mexico Film Foundation, NMWIF Santa FeScreenwriter’s Group and NMWIF Albuquerque Screenwriter’s Group are thinking of expanding the work that was begun with the Melinda Snodgrass workshop on TV Series decks. To that end we would like to assess your interest and needs in a follow up workshop. This follow up workshop would be a series that would focus on taking individual works and preparing them to pitch. Our thoughts are that those folks with polished TV pilots might be interested in havingsome guidance on how to create a series deck for their specific project, how to pitch it and who to pitch it to.

Here are our thoughts on the composition of the workshops:
First workshop - what elements are required in a series deck as well as where to acquire and how to format those elements.

Second workshop - preparing and polishing that deck.

Third workshop - identifying which production companies to pitch and perfecting the pitch.

Following this series of workshops our intent is to pair participants up with a mentor best qualified to help them develop their craft and make the contacts necessary to get their projects sold and/or funded.

If you are interested in such a series of workshops please complete the following questions.